pogrom in a sentence

  • After the experiences of the Shoa in the Balkans and the pogroms and Shoa across Ukraine, sitting back and hoping that the virulent anti-semitism expressed is just rhetoric is not an option.
  • And even so, Muslims pogroms were a regular recurring feature of Muslim “tolerance”, ever since the conquest.
  • If this were the 1300s, he would be running for his life to escape savage pogroms in France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, or Bohemia.”
  • Sliwa points out that Kielce was not the first post-war pogrom against Jews in Poland; smaller outbursts of violence took place the previous year in Krakow and the town of Rzeszow.
  • This looks more like a pogrom than a debate.
  • Across South Africa’s varied landscape, the virulence of pogrom-style attacks on foreign nationals made international headlines.
  • The production avoids delving too deeply into Wilhelm’s complex opinions of the Reich – he, too, held Jews accountable for the downfall of Germany, yet he publicly decried the “shirted gangster” violence of the pogroms.