posttraumatic in a sentence

Use “posttraumatic” in a sentence | “posttraumatic” example sentences

1- This process of posttraumatic growth is called “benefit finding”.

2- One in five has been diagnosed posttraumatic stress disorder.

3- It is often accompanied by posttraumatic stress disorder.

4- The assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder related to violent crimes.

5- Take posttraumatic stress disorder as an example.

6- Researchers describe this phenomenon as posttraumatic growth.

7- Mark had returned from Vietnam with posttraumatic stress disorder.

8- It was diagnosed that Mubilajeh was suffering from a posttraumatic stress disorder.

9- Murderous paranoid psychopaths with a creamy posttraumatic filling.

10- Later she apologised on public television and claimed she suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder.

learn posttraumatic in a sentence

11- MDMA-assisted psychotherapy can be administered to posttraumatic stress disorder patients without evidence of harm.

12- Most posttraumatic stress disorder patients say they would prefer not to have them.

13- The link between substance abuse and posttraumatic stress disorder in women: a research review.

14- Sertraline is also effective for the treatment of social phobia and posttraumatic stress disorder.

15- Assessments to rule-out malingering of posttraumatic stress disorder.

16- Some develop more severe and persistent symptoms like posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

17- C suffered posttraumatic stress disorder.

18- posttraumatic stress reactions have not been studied as well in children and adolescents as adults.

19- Biology of posttraumatic stress disorder.

20- In addition, psychological testing might include the use of trauma-specific tests to assess posttraumatic outcomes.

use posttraumatic in a sentence

21- More than 1 mm of incongruity places the patient at a high risk for posttraumatic arthritis.

22- These persisting posttraumatic stress symptoms cause significant disruptions of one or more important areas of life function .

23- Judith Lewis Herman is a contemporary psychiatrist who studies trauma and posttraumatic stress (PTSD).

24- The miniseries follows soldier Charlie Collins through a romantic affair and his recovery from posttraumatic stress disorder.

25- McIlwain, like many veterans, returned to the United States suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder.

26- In the long term it can lead to posttraumatic stress disorder and an inability to form relationships.

27- Vizard also said that Thompson was suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder after the attack on Bulger.

28- The findings could revolutionize the way researchers treat posttraumatic stress disorder ( PTSD) and similar disorders.

29- Flashbacks to those suffering posttraumatic stress disorder can be so disruptive as to seriously affect day-to-day living.

30- Alleged abductees claim their memories of the abduction events have caused posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

how to use posttraumatic in a sentence

31- Former prostituted children often deal with psychological trauma, including depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

32- The study also examined the effects of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on cardiovascular autonomic function.

33- Studies found that patients with DPD could be distinguished from patients with clinical depression and posttraumatic stress disorder.

34- Also, a recent study suggests chimpanzees which are retired from labs exhibit a form of posttraumatic stress disorder.

35- Psychological trauma may cause an acute stress reaction which may lead on to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

36- Burkill and Coward were grounded for a month following the crash while they were assessed for posttraumatic stress disorder.

37- Veterans are also subject to illnesses directly related to their military service such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

38- There is consistent evidence from MRI volumetric studies that hippocampal volume is reduced in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

39- posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is now included in a new section titled “Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders.

40- Fibromyalgia is frequently comorbid with psychiatric conditions such as depression and anxiety and stress-related disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder .

learn posttraumatic in a sentence

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