unnatural in a sentence

In calm scenes this merely looks absurdly unnatural .

He died an unnatural death.

She had an unnatural desire for money.

It is not unnatural that you should feel anxious about your first flight.

Discussion question: In your opinion, is homosexuality unnatural, or simply uncommon?
Discussion question: In your opinion, is homosexuality unnatural, or simply uncommon? communicate
Alfred Kinsey once remarked that the only unnatural sexual act is that which you cannot perform.

Sex researcher Alfred Kinsey once stated that the only unnatural sexual act is that which you cannot perform.

A scientist once remarked that for a male and female to live continuously together is, biologically speaking, an extremely unnatural condition.

Some animals in factory farms spend their lives confined to concrete stalls and metal cages, terrified and suffering in such unnatural conditions.

Poseidon caused King Minos’ wife to fall in love with a bull, and the offspring of their unnatural union was the Minotaur, a monster which was half man and half bull.

unnatural mindset and action that has become a natural part of our culture.

942412 Why pollute a perfectly natural experience with the unnatural sounds of music?