
Academic English Advanced Words


Group 1

English Advanced Vocabulary Exercises-9

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
   blur      capable      committee      elite      emerged      flare      impose      offer      risk      tube   
  1. The lead guitarist's talent as a singer [] when he began to perform solo in bars around town.
  2. Some guy made Sharon an [] of 1,500 bucks for her car, but she wants at least $2,000.
  3. Computer graphics are beginning to [] the line between animation and live action in films.
  4. The lost hikers went to the top of a hill and set off a [], hoping someone would see the flash of light and rescue them.
  5. I have to buy a new inner [] for my bicycle because my tire is flat.
  6. Goethe once said, "Treat people as though they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are [] of being."
  7. You shouldn't try to [] your religion on others; everyone has a right to their own beliefs, and you should respect them.
  8. You [] failing the course if you don't do a better job on your next presentation.
  9. She is working on a [] which is organizing the Olympic Village for athletes and team officials for next year's games.
  10. She attends a school for children of the []: the doctors, lawyers, businessmen, etc.

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