
Academic English Advanced Words


Academic and Advanced Vocabulary Exercises

Group 11 - Exercise 10

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
   enormous      exited      feasted      foolish      inability      memory      referred      shocked      swapped      vice   
  1. The band members [] by the back door so that they wouldn't have to deal with all the waiting fans.
  2. We were all pretty [] when we heard the news that our colleague had been fired for stealing from the company.
  3. He quickly [] his work clothes for jeans and a T-shirt, and went out to join the barbecue.
  4. In 1755, an [] tidal wave caused by an earthquake killed thousands of people in Lisbon, Portugal.
  5. I felt so [] when I forgot my boss' name at the meeting.
  6. Voltaire considered Shakespeare's works so bad that he [] to him as "that drunken fool."
  7. It is so hard to stay honest and true in this world full of [] and temptation.
  8. There is a French proverb which observes that gratitude is the heart's [].
  9. Martha's [] to overcome her fear of water has kept her from learning how to swim.
  10. The sharks [] on the dead whale until nothing was left but bones and bits of skin.

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