unexceptionable in a sentence

English words and Examples of use

Example Sentences for "unexceptionable"

Is it not significant that in a European context all member state governments find it unexceptionable to include foreign languages as a 'basic' skill, while within the Uk this is a matter of controversy? "It seems unexceptionable to conclude some women come to regret their choice to abort the infant life they once created and sustained," kennedy wrote.

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Example sentences with the unexceptionable, a sentence example for unexceptionable, and how to make unexceptionable in sample sentence, how do I use the word unexceptionable in a sentence? How do you spell unexceptionable in a sentence? spelling of unexceptionable

These sentence are taken from http://corpora.uni-leipzig.de under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC. They do not represent the opinions of use-in-a-sentence.com.