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Use corybantes in a sentence - Example Sentences for corybantes

For the Corybantes, priests of the goddess Cybele, brought from Phrygia, in Asia Minor, the darker form of this worship, they mourned for the death of Bacchus, who was supposed to die in winter and to come to life again in the spring.

To attempt to describe this noise to those who have heard it would be in vain; and to aim at giving any idea of it to those who have never heard the like, would be still more vain: for it may be truly said-- _--Non acuta Sic geminant Corybantes aera._ The priests of Cybele do not so rattle their sounding brass.

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The word corybantes

Example sentences with the corybantes, a sentence example for corybantes, and how to make corybantes in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for corybantes how do I use the word corybantes in a sentence? How do you spell corybantes in a sentence? spelling of corybantes