1- Dexter watched his prominent Adam's apple rise and fall.

2- Probably female; neck smooth, no real Adam's apple .

3- The front tip of this thyroid cartilage is your Adam's apple .

4- Calder's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed.

5- His Adam's apple worked furiously.

6- Thyroid cartilage: This forms the Adam's apple .

7- The point was a hair's width from his Adam's apple .

8- Will swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbed up and down.

9- Kenne's Adam's apple was bobbing up and down.

10- Christie croaked, his Adam's apple crushed painfully against the thrusting automatic.

11- Some surgeries may also include shaving the Adam's apple and reconstructing facial features.

12- Gently place your finger over your " Adam's apple " and swallow.

13- My er my Adam's apple gets cold but that's about it.

14- His face was small and his head no bigger than his Adam's apple .

15- His large Adam's apple moved up and down as he swallowed his nerves.

16- But the coroner says that there is a thin cut across his Adam's apple .

17- Over his not entirely clean white collar you could see his Adam's apple thumping.

18- A frequent venue was a Fort Wayne Christian-themed coffeehouse named The Adam's apple .

19- His Adam's apple went into convulsions every time he swallowed and his lips were unusually full.

20- The pale eyes goggled, and the Adam's apple repeated its imitation of an express lift.

21- She could feel his Adam's apple bulging against her palms as he tried to draw breath.

22- A soldier tried to shove a bayonet into his throat, but the steel buckled against his Adam's apple superconductor.

23- His Adam's apple went into convulsions every time he swallowed and his lips were unusually full.

24- I find that your Adam's apple isn't apparent.

25- I find that your Adam's apple isn't apparent.

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