1- The anime adaptation has also been critically acclaimed .

2- The "ability" to acclimatize is an adaptation, but not the acclimatization itself.

3- These elements were accentuated even more in the 1999 movie adaptation.

4- Three adaptations of sea life in the abyss ?

5- Protective form and coloration are adaptations shown by many animals.

6- adaptations to the particular environments in which they live are shown by all living creatures.

7- Effective adaptation to our natural environment requires establishment of a sustainable balance between resources and consumption.

8- In biology, the wings of an insect and a bird are considered analogous in that they developed independently as adaptations to the common function of enabling flight.

9- analysisProtecting biodiversity adaptation & Stratetgy Follow us on Facebook..

10- That's just adaptation by insects and other critters that spread disease.

11- Of course, the market may be making adaptations that are harder to measure.

12- The Writer Who Sparks the Finest Movie adaptations We'll send you a reminder.

13- 708481 The Diary of Anne Frank"" was the first film adaptation of her story."

14- The novel adaptation of the original movie.

15- The manga adaptation of the original series.

16- This is what is referred to as VOR adaptation.

17- Portrayed by Babs George in the film adaptation.

18- Consequences of geometry for species adaptation.

19- Censorship The adaptation started with a scandal.

20- Portrayed by Carla Gugino in the film adaptation.

21- The teleplay adaptation was written by Ken Nolan.

22- Cimarron marked the end of the Ferber adaptations.

23- This is a behavioral adaptation to life underground.

24- The adaptation has been called "excruciable" Anderson.

25- The 2001 adaptation has aired on American PBS as well.

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