51- Moriarty also figures into the first series and the film adaptation.

52- In 1987, a straight-to-video animated adaptation was made in Canada.

53- Owls have at least two adaptations that aid them in achieving stealth.

54- It's also featured in the film adaptation although it is not destroyed.

55- In the anime adaptation, Shion's hair color was modified to light green.

56- Most adaptations do not include all the major characters from the novel.

57- Similar adaptations were later made to Series IIIs and 90/110/Defenders.

58- The reduced number of toes is an adaptation that appears to aid in running.

59- Co-author and illustrator David Lloyd, by contrast, embraced the adaptation.

60- In the days following the adaptation, however, there was widespread outrage.

61- No English-language adaptations have been published or announced as licensed.

62- These sizing schemes allow for universal adaptation of transitional fittings.

63- Ince, 1925) (adaptation) The Pinch Hitter (1925) (story) Wild Justice (C.

64- In the anime adaptation, her hyperactivity and lack of maturity are increased.

65- adaptation The plot of Hitchcock's film differs considerably from White's novel.

66- The Italian movie Il seme della discordia is a modern adaptation of the novella.

67- Innovation followed the adaptation with A Nightmare On Elm Street: The Beginning.

68- The first English language adaptation was in 1913, directed by Alice Guy Blanche.

69- In 1935, Artaud's production of his adaptation of Shelley 's The Cenci premiered.

70- Increases in climate variability could make adaptation by farmers more difficult.

71- Antifreeze proteins in its blood are one adaptation responsible for this ability.

72- An anime adaptation produced by A-1 Pictures first aired in October 2008 in Japan.

73- Comic book adaptations All Green Hornet comic book adaptations have included Kato.

74- It enables one to deal with more complex individual behaviors, such as adaptation.

75- Film Adaption A film adaptation is due to be made of the book and musical, Wicked.

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