1- The president abolished slavery.

2- I will abolish capital punishment.

3- We must abolish the death penalty.

4- We should abolish the death penalty.

5- The death penalty should be abolished.

6- He advocated abolishing class distinctions.

7- Many countries have abolished capital punishment.

8- He advocated abolishing death penalty distinctions.

9- These laws are discriminatory, and must be abolished.

10- I am of the opinion that the tax should be abolished.

11- They decided to abolish the old restriction.

12- HellerickSlavery has been abolished in most parts of the world.

13- Save energy by abolishing the convenience stores' houraday trading!The government has passed a law abolishing prayer in public schools.

14- In May 1998, the aggregate ceiling on foreign investment in Korean equities was abolished.

15- He is set to appear before the Senate Judiciary committee to present his case for the abolishment of the death penalty.

16- In 1993, Russian President Boris Yeltsin abolished the KGB security police, saying the organization was incapable of being reformed.

17- By 2004, the number of countries that had abolished the death penalty for all crimes finally outnumbered those that still practice it.

18- Belva Lockwood once observed that we can't abolish prejudice through laws, but we can set up guidelines for our actions by legislation.

19- Mao Zedong once said, "We are advocates of the abolition of war, we do not want war, but war can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.

20- "I believe this precedent should be abolished in the name of Europe itself."

21- Vote for me or my opponent will abolish Wall Street and steal all your money!

22- If NDP Leader Tom Mulcair is elected he has vowed to abolish the upper chamber.

23- 740012 The last Greek referendum was when voters abolished the monarchy in 1974.

24- Our immigration detention system is a national disgrace, and should be abolished.

25- The legislature has expressed this truth by abolishing the death penalty in Maryland.

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