1- The total abolition of corporal punishment has been discussed.

2- The abolition of public high school tuition fees.

3- Connecticut may also execute eleven inmates sentenced before abolition .

4- Most northern states passed legislation for gradual abolition .

5- Only last is the abolition of private property.

6- Our objective is definite and unconditional abolition of nuclear weapons.

7- Businesses should uphold the effective abolition of child labour.

8- The abolition campaign rested on two main arguments.

9- Song abolition of trade restrictions greatly aided the economy.

10- The abolition of six quarters has always been surrounded by uncertainty.

11- These separate arrangements continued until the abolition of apartheid.

12- The abolition of military rule took place between 1869 and 1871.

13- Therefore state policy concentrated on regulation rather than abolition .

14- The abolition of slavery did not end racially charged labor strife.

15- In order to implement abolition entirely a constitutional amendment was required.

16- Their abolition saw a significant increase of free trade.

17- The abolition of wage labor is central to anarchist communism.

18- What was needed was a complete abolition of development charges.

19- By 1804, the northern states instituted abolition laws.

20- The latest country to move towards abolition is Mongolia.

21- abolition is likely to prove too much too soon .

22- What does it mean by abolition of private property?

23- Campaigns for the abolition of psychiatric diagnoses appear.

24- We therefore recommend the abolition of this rule.

25- There should be immediate abolition of the minimum 20 per cent.

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