51- There are not many countries in the world that abound in natural resources.

52- Lakes The region abounds with lakes and is a paradise for anglers.

53- Examples of animal overpopulation caused by introduction of a foreign species abound.

54- These geckos abound along shelly and gravel beaches, and seem to avoid sandy beaches.

55- Local wildlife abound in the park and surrounding area, including fox, turkey, and deer.

56- Grasshoppers abound, including the Rufous Grasshopper Gomphocerippus rufus. 46.2539

57- Bank failures abounded in the South and Midwest ; unemployment soared and crop prices fell badly.

58- Theories of common exterior traits among "wheezers" abound, but are conflicting and undocumented.

59- 'Red Raider' fever abounds not only at the school but spills over to the next door central School.

60- His lyrical expression, idyllic and sentimental, abounds both by the picturesqueness and musicality.

61- Pompeii was a lively place, and evidence abounds of literally the smallest details of everyday life.

62- Ague, of course, is one of the most prevalent diseases of the district; fever abounds. 27.5401

63- Local legends abounded concerning witches and other paranormal activities where Dr Troyer was involved.

64- The small Victorian terraces and cottages which abound in Cremorne were snapped up in a renovation boom.

65- Though abounding in errors arising from a defective knowledge of Italian, the book is amusing and curious.

66- NME. 11 November 1989 and Melody Maker stated that "Boomerang abounds with scarcely anticipated brilliance".

67- Wildlife abounds including one of the larger populations of wintering bald eagles in Wisconsin. 5.1752

68- This can happen especially in situations like night driving, where the stark glare of car headlights abounds.

69- Then exclamation marks abound, and she uses verbs in the imperative to heighten the drama of her warning to humanity.

70- However, manufactories of chemical products abound in the Faubourg Saint-Marceau. Many of the workmen might have black faces.

71- Because the people who run our Overdrive offices are experienced, they know the legal constraints that abound in transport.

72- Poems and essays alike abound in neat turns of phrase, and epigrams that are immediately pleasing.

73- Results The neurohypophysis was composed of unmyelinated nerve fibres, pituicytes and connective tissue abound in blood capillaries.30. Inornate but pass ... tary of soccer match by Jian'xiang Huang is always in a leisured way while abound in useful informations.

74- Coral reefs and tropical fish abound for those who like to snorkel.

75- The first part of Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory of the spiritual journey which had been described in Grace abounding.

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