abrasive ". 27- This results in Sunny having an

26- Ruby is often "prepared to be confrontational and abrasive ".

27- This results in Sunny having an abrasive attitude.

28- Portable applications may or may not recycle the abrasive .

29- Automated blasting is simply the automation of the abrasive blasting process.

30- But his abrasive personality gained him enemies, too.

31- The first major application of was abrasive and cutting tools.

32- Use two coats, rubbing down with fin abrasive paper between.

33- The abrasive strings can also injure people.

34- A finer abrasive is then used to polish the die.

35- But he wasn't always cold and abrasive .

36- The ash composition and structure give rice hulls an abrasive character.

37- Software is a major component of any abrasive jet cutting system.

38- He's funny, a little abrasive .

39- Files are generally more finely abrasive than rifflers.

40- He is sarcastic, nasty, and utterly abrasive .

41- He was forceful without being abrasive , one cardinal recalled Thursday.

42- Retallick mixes abrasiveness with athleticism and is as good in the loose as in the lineout.

43- Abrading is the process in which surface deposits are removed using abrasives.

44- Retallick mixes abrasiveness with athleticism and is as good in the loose as in the lineout.

45- It could also draw in apolitical idealists alienated by both the extremism of the far left and the abrasiveness of the Thatcherites.

46- The unstable conduction nonlinearity of abrasive SiC brings the difficulty stress - grading of generator stator coil end.

47- Is burning to leave the abrasive amplifying to spread can lead on person many super of the glowworm be nearby surrounding.

48- Use an abrasive pad for stubborn stains.

49- akes use of the features of ultrasonic grinding which can make the macroscopic force, stress and calory in grinding lower, and then utilizes relevant abrasive in the ultrasonic grinding.

50- His abrasiveness has been smoothed by age and experience but has not disappeared.

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