51- In more benign form the condition may be one associated with abscesses, omphalitis, arthritis, endocarditis , dermatitis, enteritis, metritis, vaginitis, and abortion.

52- Main Outcome Measures: Heart failure, intracardiac abscess, death.

53- More than half of all otogenic brain abscesses have an associated cholesteatoma.

54- If untreated, recovery occurs after a few weeks, but discharging abscesses may remain in the groin.

55- We encountered a 53-year-old man with bilateral chronic otitis media who developed an abscess in the junction of the vermis and right hemisphere of the cerebellum.

56- Ethmoid sinusitis is frequently complicated in children by orbital cellulitis and abscess.13. Objective : To investigate the etiology, clinical characteristics and therapy of eosinophilic cellulitis.ing AD in clinic.30. Objective : To evaluate the value of intraoral ultrasound ( IOU ) in diagnosing of peritonsillar abscess ( PTA ).

57- If untreated, recovery occurs after a few weeks, but discharging abscesses may remain in the groin.

58- Complications may include abscess, nephritis, and rheumatic fever.

59- Nasal swabs or swabs taken directly from discharging abscesses can be cultured to confirm the presence of the casual bacteria.

60- c rachitis easily lead to violations of the adjacent intervertebral space Narrowing, there were parts of the small sequestrum and vertebral body side abscess.

61- A tame rabbit was brought in with a large abscess about the size of an egg on its cheek.

62- Shows the pathologic structure of decayed tooth, pulpitis, apical putrescence, paradentitis and apical abscess.

63- Pott's puffy tumor is defined as scalp swelling due to subperiosteal abscess resulting from osteomyelitis of the frontal bone secondary to bacterial sinusitis.

64- Other causes of unconsciousness predisposing to aspiration lung abscess are convulsive seizures.

65- Conclusion:The typical change of the lymphadenitis of cat scratch disease the formation of star-like abscess and granuloma.

66- The operation was successful, and Gandhi thanked the doctor profusely, but an abscess developed and recovery was slow.30 Whilst Jansher remained calm and serene, I was sweating profusely.abscess, which can only be distinguished with great care from rectal cancer with liver metastasis.

67- Complications may include abscess, nephritis, and rheumatic fever. Tonsils that become chronically inflamed and enlarged require surgical removal (tonsillectomy).

68- To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of GIST presenting as a perigastric abscess with HPVG.

69- Complications may include abscess, nephritis, and rheumatic fever.

70- is acuteness, did not wear outwards in purulent fluid before defeating, inflammation already diffused, encroach whole eyelid board and form palpebral abscess.

71- abscesses should be bathed in warm salty water.

72- In more benign form the condition may be one associated with abscesses, omphalitis, arthritis, endocarditis , dermatitis, enteritis, metritis, vaginitis, and abortion.

73- Objective To evaluate the curative effect of curing Bartholin gland cyst or abscess by means of stoma transfixion and fastness drainage.

74- I developed an abscess on my neck.

75- Since the introduction of antibiotics, the incidence of otitis media induced complications such as mastoiditis and subperiosteal abscess has significantly decreased.

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