26- slickI read somewhere that the average person accidentally swallows about 8 spiders a year.

27- She burnt her thighs when she accidentally dropped her coffee in her lap while driving.

28- I think spanking a child is pretty harsh punishment for accidentally breaking a window.

29- A soldier was accidentally killed when a grenade went off during a mock battle exercise.

30- I was just loading the film into my camera when I accidentally dropped it into the water.

31- The troops were exercising with live ammunition when a soldier was accidentally shot in the leg.

32- Robert accidentally left his butter sculpture in the sun, and it became an ugly, shapeless mess.

33- Many of the casualties in the battle appear to have been accidentally shot by their fellow soldiers.

34- The child accidentally swallowed some water while swimming, and started choking and gasping for air.

35- He accidentally shrank his kids to the size of insects during a scientific experiment that went wrong.

36- The young child was imitating the wrestlers on television when he accidentally broke his friend's arm.

37- I accidentally sat on my cell phone and broke it because I forgot it was in the back pocket of my jeans.

38- You should tie the string for the baby's balloon around his wrist in case he accidentally lets go of it.

39- During the Gulf War in 1991, most of the British casualties were caused accidentally by their own military.

40- A child was almost killed when he was accidentally buried in sand while playing at a gravel pit in Metchosin.

41- The driver said he was merely trying to scare the dog off the road when he accidentally hit it, and killed it.

42- She accidentally dropped her glasses on the floor, and then had to feel blindly around for them with her hands.

43- My sister had her finger broken when my brother accidentally slammed his bedroom door on it during an argument.

44- Millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts, and then forget where they hid them.

45- They accidentally left their cat in the bathroom all weekend, and when they came home it had made a gross mess all over the floor.

46- The children were playing war with pointed sticks, and one of them accidentally got poked in the arm and had to go to the hospital.

47- In 1927, dancer Isadora Duncan was accidentally strangled to death when her scarf got caught in the wheel of a car she was riding in.

48- There are many stories of dogs who were accidentally separated from their masters, and who travelled hundreds of miles to find their homes.

49- If you accidentally put your hand on a hot stove, your nervous system will cause you to withdraw it quickly, automatically and efficiently.

50- We put an extra key in a little magnetic box, and stuck it under the front fender of our van in case we accidentally locked the keys in the car.

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