51- The chapel is described in 1834 as accommodating 684 persons.

52- 20 Mar 2009. <> There are many advantages to accommodating IOLs.

53- Each room has provision for accommodating a maximum of 3 to 4 students.

54- She is wrong, the organizers are more than accommodating of Surely's disability.

55- Agreeableness is a tendency to be pleasant and accommodating in social situations.

56- Unlike Kawazue, he loves joking around, and is very accommodating to the newer players.

57- A more sophisticated woman, he wrote Modest, would possibly have been less accommodating.

58- The secretaries are set by the mayor, usually accommodating party allies of the chief executive.

59- Side pathways extend the already wide proscenium, accommodating elaborate processions and choreography.

60- He gets along quite well with the accommodating Kommandant, whom he respects but is adept at manipulating.

61- The Amphitheater can seat up to 10,000 people in addition to standing room accommodating 2,000 to 3,000 more.

62- This rich cosmography also allowed Mahayana to be quite syncretic and accommodating of other faiths or deities.

63- Thanks to Tome's constant attempts to be accommodating, Chiko is able to avoid eating her aunt's poisoned meals.

64- Governments can attempt to prevent terrorist attacks through policing, military action, or accommodating terrorists' demands.

65- These boats allow one or two fishermen to get into small rivers or lakes that would have difficulty accommodating larger boats.

66- All townhouses come with two or three bedrooms (accommodating five to six students), a bathroom and shower, kitchen and living room.

67- The King of Cochin, as well as the natives in Kerala, were very hospitable and accommodating towards Apostle Thomas and the visitors.

68- Taney and his colleagues sought to devise a more nuanced means of accommodating competing federal and state claims of regulatory power.

69- The aircraft is capable of accommodating 28 passengers.

70- The complex, consisting of 37 houses each accommodating five students, provides high quality accommodation for 185 postgraduate students.

71- Community Based Planners will have to consider alternatives to accommodating the needs of those living in more rural areas.

72- The collector of customs was deposed in favor of a more accommodating administrator.30. Doyle, he suspected, would have respected him more if he had occasionally been less accommodating.

73- David was gentle, generous and accommodating to a fault.

74- I have talked about interpretation which is accommodating so that it yields implications for language teaching.

75- The unaccommodating bus driver pulled out while she was banging on the door.

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