26- Recently, the SSS accosted a local govt.

27- They don't feel so accosted ," Renwick said.

28- When she leaves the lawyers, she's angered and accosts tourists.

29- Out of nowhere, pirates accost the ship and take him away.

30- Men accosted her on bridges, in lectures, in bookshops.

31- Every two or three yards she was accosted , ' Signora!

32- Rowena accosts Miles in a bunker and tries to seduce him.

33- He accosted me with excessive warmth, for he had been drinking much.

34- Many innocent look-a-likes were accosted in street with people demanding the prize.

35- At the top, one or two miscreants accosted them.

36- Right now the only thing accosting people in Sochi are the accommodations.

37- Rosen & Kobrin et al accost Zlotoff.

38- A number of Chassidic Jews accosted us begging for food and help.

39- He is accosted and then killed by Sadakuro the highwayman.

40- Here he was accosted by an eminent pundit, Sobhana-bhatta.

41- The beggar accosted me for money.

42- He says bystanders were also accosted in at least one other instance.

43- On the approach of the police, the man ran on to a premises where he was accosted and searched.

44- On his way back he was accosted by a beggar who handed him an envelope.

45- Two muggers attempt to accost Mohinder as he lays semiconscious on the ground.

46- They are accosted by Knox and Flint (who is still unaware that Claire is his niece through Meredith).

47- 378734 In Heshmat Moayyad (ed.), Once a Dewdrop accosted a Rose: Essays on the Poetry of Parvin E'tesami.

48- In the city he was accosted by a group of young vagabonds, but he ordered them in a commanding voice to stop.

49- Charlie was accosted by a woman in a local market one day shouting epithets such as "You pervert" and "You Queer!"

50- In order to draw inspiration, Shanti travels to a picturesque hilly area where she gets accosted by a group of terrorists.

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