1- He is an accountant at the company.

2- He has the capacity to become an accountant.

3- The company accountant was fired for falsifying the books.

4- We need an accountant to interpret our financial statements.

5- He is an accountant, but he fantasizes about becoming a lion-tamer.

6- Mr. Wong works in the finance ministry as a senior accountant.

7- You may be an accountant, yet you sell yourself based on each project.

8- I am working with my accountant on how my wife and I can avoid this tax.

9- 106168 Be sure to check with your accountant before making these trades.

10- 70583 Are you kidding me?' said Orsolya Jakab, 35, a Hungarian accountant.

11- Since 2010 the council hadn't had an independent accountant review its books.

12- There are former nurses, psychologists, accountants, bakers and even toy sellers.

13- Participants include two engineers, a lawyer, an accountant, a geologist and a dentist.

14- You have bad cashflow and you're scared to contact the accountant as they run the clock.

15- Yanique, on the other hand, has hopes of becoming an accountant, financial auditor or soldier.

16- 843930 This is also a good time to interview accountants if you're looking for a new tax preparer.

17- The province expects to see an accountant's report on the council's books by the end of the month.

18- We do not need another bloated, corrupt sports event," said Steve Guillerm, a Cambridge accountant.

19- The British tax authority simply does not tax donations made in this way, six tax accountants said.

20- Campagnone spoke with an accountant and a financial advisor as she wrapped her head around her prize.

21- 548306 'Out of touch' Reva Seth's accountant advised against signing up when she expanded her family.

22- He retired as an accountant to build his chain.

23- In 1828 he was accountant-General to the Court.

24- Lilly's parents are divorced, and her father is an accountant.

25- Canadian Chartered accountants use the designatory letters CA.

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