1- The inside of the acorn shell is hairless.

2- However, some acorn predators also serve as seed dispersal agents.

3- Oberon takes a liking to Gwen and offers her an magical acorn for protection.

4- Just as the tiny acorn can grow into a mighty oak, Assunta too had the potential for greatness.

5- In this state, when very still, it is seemingly impossible to distinguish it from a real acorn.

6- Some seeds usually made into gruel in historical times are acorn and manna grass (Glyceria fluitans).

7- Many acorn consumers eat unripe acorns on the tree or ripe acorns from the ground, with no reproductive benefit to the oak.

8- Rose, Saltzberg and Burnside from RCA created the acorn tube by using far smaller electrodes, with radial short connections.

9- The bus (with an acorn printed on the side) finally arrives, and Lumpy ends up sitting next to Giggles, leaving Cuddles by himself.

10- Acorns: The acorn is about 0.5 inches long, globular or hemispheric, with up to one-third of its length enclosed in a shallow thin cap.

11- The front end used acorn valves for the initial frequency conversion.

12- The greatest oak still has to grow from a tiny acorn .

13- Live oaks begin life as a seed called an acorn .

14- Cut each acorn squash into quarters and remove the seeds.

15- An oak tree bears no similarity to an acorn .

16- Best acorn production often coincided with drought years including 1988 and others.

17- An avian example published in "Nature" is acorn woodpeckers.

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