1- What we saw was an act of absolution .

2- However, the Nonintercourse act itself does not abrogate state sovereign immunity.

3- You cannot get them to understand your motives, and they will abominate the act.

4- The abolition act dissolved the entire institution of the college.

5- Prostration was a common act of self-abasement performed before relatives, strangers, superiors, and especially before royalty.

6- low in per mitting God to prostrate Himself before an earthly and sinful man as he was and to allow Him, whom he had so recently acknowledged and adored as his Creator, to per form such an unheard of act of self-abasement .

7- Outright condemnation was as rare as condign punishment where the criminal was a man of high social standing; for if the delinquent vassal chose to submit himself to his lord, he had performed an act of self-abasementwhich, in itself, merited courteous handling.

8- act your age.

9- act your place.

10- We have to act now.

11- How else can he act?

12- Acids act on metals.

13- Try to act your age.

14- He put on a suicide act.

15- He did a courageous act.

16- My act incurred a blame.

17- Animals act on instinct.

18- You must act like a man.

19- Perform an act of charity.

20- I will act on your advice.

21- Who will act as spokesman?

22- Suicide is a desperate act.

23- Her crying was just an act.

24- He committed an illegal act.

25- I'll act as a guide for you.

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