1- A lot of former agricultural land in this area has been turned into residential or commercial zones.

2- The government has put a freeze on development of agricultural land to ensure that our farms are not all lost to urban spread.

3- Furthermore, in accordance with land use zoning rules, agricultural land should be used for farming.

4- George Frank Edwards, Chief Land Agent , agricultural land Commission.

5- The land was converted into agricultural land .

6- Based on available agricultural land 154 million has been suggested.

7- The area is surrounded by agricultural land .

8- A large part of agricultural land requires drainage.

9- The agriculture departments have defined agricultural land .

10- It is largely agricultural land , producing mostly rice.

11- Rich agricultural lands led the province to great prosperity.

12- They provide irrigation to major portion of agricultural land .

13- While the agricultural land and primary forest held lowest diversity.

14- Our most fertile agricultural lands will become arid.

15- agricultural land and the region sustained significant damage.

16- Thirdly there is limited high quality agricultural land within that sector.

17- Lancaster remained tied to its surrounding agricultural lands .

18- There are also farmers with agricultural land .

19- Today, much of the agricultural land is being developed.

20- The population is spread over a large area of agricultural land .

21- Most saw protection of agricultural land as a community priority.

22- Beyond the houses was open agricultural land , the plain.

23- Bali is an agricultural land , fertile for rice harvesting.

24- Political dissidents as well agricultural land owned by individuals.

25- Government will secure access to water for agricultural lands .

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