1- The newest album by the Rolling Stones is the most widely anticipated record of the year.

2- I tore the picture out of the album.

3- She showed me her album.

4- And now, let's hear the number one track off her new album.

5- The art on rock music album covers is often quite interesting.

6- I bought John an album.

7- My children love to look at pictures of themselves as babies in the family photo album.

8- The Beatles' output of albums during their career together was quite impressive.

9- In 1969, a tabloid magazine began a rumor that Beatle Paul McCartney was dead, and suggested that there were clues on album covers and in songs to show that it was true.

10- I sold all my old vinyl Rolling Stones albums and bought CDs.

11- He showed me his photograph album.

12- You can hear excerpts of various songs from the band's new album on their website.

13- She showed me his album.

14- Discussion question: Think of three photos you have in your family photo album, and talk about why they are important to you.

15- The young girl glued photos of her favorite rock stars into an album.

16- When my kids were small, they liked to collect colorful stickers that they kept in an album and traded with friends.

17- I want some albums.

18- Please show me some.

19- She showed her album to me.

20- Find someone who has a photo album at home.

21- alcoholRitchie has every album ever recorded by the Beatles.

22- When my kids were small, they liked to collect colorful stickers that they kept in an album.

23- Craig has an album filled with photos and articles about his favorite football team.

24- The album is a greatest hits compilation, with a couple of previously unreleased tracks thrown in as a bonus.

25- With the success of their first album, the band is eager to get into the studio to begin work on their next album.

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