26- In August 2012, the government sanctioned six more all-terrain vehicles for patrolling the beach.

27- Horse units patrol remote areas along the international boundary that are inaccessible to standard all-terrain vehicles .

28- The word Vezdekhod means "He who goes anywhere" or " all-terrain vehicle ".

29- Realizing that the projector won't impress them, he demonstrates his all-terrain vehicle .

30- Most bridges on the island are for pedestrian traffic, bicycles and all-terrain vehicles only.

31- The machinery consists of a robotic arm mounted on an all-terrain vehicle with tanklike tracks.

32- Amongst the smallest non air-cushioned amphibious vehicles are amphibious ATVs ( all-terrain vehicles ).

33- Both Detour choices required teams to use all-terrain vehicles to reach the Detour tasks.

34- The seeds are typically transported by human traffic, in particular the tires of all-terrain vehicles .

35- In winter, a winter road along the Anadyr River is laid by the all-terrain vehicles .

36- Just north of the park is the 19 mi Haneyville ATV Trail system for all-terrain vehicles .

37- Older vehicles, like the UAZ-469 all-terrain vehicle , were obtained from the Soviet Union.

38- ATVs ( all-terrain vehicles , quad-bikes) became widely accepted as a general means of transportation.

39- The boys were hit while trying to remove their all-terrain vehicle which had gotten stuck on the tracks.

40- When there is no snow, dog drivers train using wheeled carts or all-terrain vehicles set in neutral.

41- Barak owns two all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), worth $1,000 and $500, respectively.

42- Because they can produce thrust on both land and water, they are commonly used on all-terrain vehicles .

43- Cross-country all-terrain vehicles (ATV) are the way to explore the interior of the mountainous islands.

44- The Sûreté du Québec dispatched a helicopter, all-terrain vehicles and two canine units to find him.

45- 9. Military tests new all-terrain vehicle 10. Is this the new iPhone 6 screen?

46- But it's very well known on all-terrain vehicles.

47- CBC weather page Troopers used all-terrain vehicles to deliver supplies, state police Capt. Ed Kennedy said.

48- Friday afternoon, police were called about an all-terrain vehicle stolen from Main Road, Lourdes some time overnight.

49- Military tests new all-terrain vehicle Is this the new iPhone 6 screen?

50- Six-time Olympic gold medalist Van Dyken has a severed spine after an accident on her all-terrain vehicle in Arizona.

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