1- 'All he remembers is coming out of an alleyway, looking left and then right, and that's as far as he remembers.'

2- At around 4:30 a.m., a garbage truck was backing into an alleyway when it hit a gas main, dislodging the pipe.

3- Citta della Pieve's alleyway opens up to a spellbinding views over the Umbrian countryside.

4- In a rare outing to the well across her alleyway, she saw a man who told her, "The army is here."

5- Library image As she walked down the alleyway at about 4pm on Friday, she was grabbed from behind by a man.

6- More traditional Chinese scenes are hidden in alleyways.

7- Police say the women lured the men into a nearby alleyway, where they were then allegedly surrounded by five other men.

8- Shikumen Shikumen is Shanghai's indigenous alleyway housing.

9- The attack happened in an alleyway off Shaws Road at about 20:00 BST on Saturday.

10- They walked down and then turned into an alleyway."

11- Wise words Yoda, but this is just an alleyway in Tokyo.

12- Yakima Codes and the Refuse Division will start checking and clearing alleyways and dumpsters multiple times a month.

13- You are forced to walk on either side of it, through narrow alleyways.

14- At night, Ghulam Farid Sabri lay on his bed listening to the sounds of surrounding lanes and alleyways.

15- But because my apartment is across the alleyway it doesn't count," Denkers said.

16- Doggett chases Lukesh into an alleyway where he tells Lukesh to stop.

17- He tests his strength in an alleyway, then decides to test how he can walk up walls.

18- Mysterio is the first boss and is found at the end of an alleyway.

19- Officers are guarding the alleyway which connects the loading area with the Longmarket.

20- Police say the shooting happened during a fight in an alleyway near 12th Avenue.

21- Rhys and Vayos meet up and track the diamond to a maze-like alleyway, where they see Uru struggle to open it.

22- The City's dozens of alleyways were often only wide, and had poor lighting and drainage.

23- The ghetto occupied Berko Yoslevitz St. and some alleyways in the area.

24- The next day, a young girl is found brutally murdered in the same alleyway where Bone abandoned his car.

25- The video shows a tall man walking into an alleyway behind the nightclub.

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