26- The number of team fouls allotted is also different.

27- Students with different academic abilities are allotted evenly across the classes.

28- The allotted number for each heart is about 800 million.

29- This group watched nothing during the same allotted time span.

30- We allotted five teaching periods for this process.

31- The time allotted for pursuing damages is limited.

32- In total, ten thousand surveys were allotted for mailing.

33- This prototype was allotted the series number N° 101.

34- The organization didn't announce how many tickets were allotted .

35- Post-graduate medical students are allotted posts here.

36- Under international agreement unique initial letters were allotted among the various nations.

37- The Islamic religion has allotted women the most proper place.

38- Each person was allotted two minutes to ask the question.

39- Their lands are now being allotted to them.

40- Three days is the time allotted to each traveller.

41- Each Indian was allotted a parcel of land.

42- This is the lowest among the time limits allotted .

43- All other tents were pitched in their allotted place.

44- Pakistan has very high percentage of GDP allotted for defence spending.

45- Numbers indicate the number of electoral votes allotted to each state.

46- Around 850 screens were allotted for the Tamil version alone.

47- Any surplus from that production is allotted in different ways.

48- Each episode is allotted a two-week window for filming.

49- Direction of these mandates was allotted to certain countries.

50- Five to six people are allotted to each train.

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