1- I see that he is an able man.

2- They say that he is an able man.

3- Though young, he is an able man.

4- By default, Galen was able to view much of the abdominal cavity .

5- I'm able to run.

6- I'm able to ski.

7- I'm able to swim.

8- He is an able banker.

9- She is able to skate.

10- He's not rich or able.

11- I was able to help her.

12- I am able to swim here.

13- He is an able engineer.

14- He is able in business.

15- He is well able to read.

16- able was I ere I saw him.

17- She is well able to read.

18- I am able to drive a car.

19- I am able to read English.

20- I was not able to see him.

21- He's quite able at his job.

22- I was able to pass the test.

23- I was able to pass the exam.

24- He was able to pass the exam.

25- I see that he is an able man.

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