1- We have supplied humanitarian aid to refugees.

2- 'The humanitarian aid for what we have done to that country is a crime,' she argued.

3- Allowing more humanitarian aid into the region was one component of the 12-point deal.

4- Also contributed $1.5-million in humanitarian aid.

5- Also, any trucks contained humanitarian aid.

6- Altogether a quarter of a million people have been cut off from humanitarian aid for months," it said.

7- Canada has also airlifted munitions from third- party countries and has given humanitarian aid.

8- Christos Stylianides, European Union Commissioner for humanitarian aid and Crisis Management, agreed.

9- Everyone wants a helicopter ride of the mountain Is the West doing enough to provide humanitarian aid?

10- From 2009 to 2011, she worked with humanitarian aid groups in northern India, the Palestinian territories, and Israel.

11- He said that Japan will continue to provide humanitarian aid to countries affected by the bloody fight against ISIS.

12- However, they said the four crossings could allow delivery of humanitarian aid to nearly 2 million people.

13- humanitarian aid arrives Hours before the visit, humanitarian aid began flowing to the town.

14- If the negotiations fail, much more than just humanitarian aid will be needed, says one EU diplomat.

15- It's one of the few organisations working inside Syria as well as delivering humanitarian aid across the region.

16- MSF Germany also rejects the German government's strategy of combining military and humanitarian aid.

17- On Saturday, the U.S. conducted airstrikes against the Sunni militants and air-dropped humanitarian aid to residents.

18- Sealey spent five weeks in Malawi, in southeast Africa, as part of a humanitarian aid program called Praxis Malawi.

19- She worked in Turkey with the Danish Refugee Council and the "Support to Life" humanitarian aid organization.

20- Stylianides is the incoming EU commissioner for humanitarian aid.

21- Such reports feed into the skepticism of the Ukrainian government about this supposed humanitarian aid.

22- Tehran says it is sending only humanitarian aid to Yemen.

23- The Coalition Provisional Authority takes responsibility for supplying humanitarian aid to the Iraqi people.

24- The humanitarian aid will be delivered to and distributed in Donbas by the international Red Cross organization.

25- The improved access for humanitarian aid helped boost the number getting food rations from 3.7 million in July.

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