1- It pulls your body out of alignment and it can have some crippling effects.

2- The wheel that is out of alignment will tend to be dragged along by the other wheels, causing uneven wear in that tire.

3- This ramming gave the characteristic 'machine gun' noise and would, sooner or later, throw the head out of alignment.

4- On December 10, 1913, crews from the east and west portals met beneath Mount Royal; they were out of alignment by inches ( cm).

5- When this happens to concrete railway sleepers the rails may end up out of alignment and cause a derailment.

6- A bone in my spine was out of alignment .

7- A bone in my spine was out of alignment .

8- The wheels were out of alignment.

9- The problem is happening because the wheels are out of alignment with each other.

10- A moire fringe unit monitors the horizontal azimuth of the beam as it sweeps so that it does not go out of alignment.

11- A few of the tiles were clearly out of alignment.

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