1- Your speech was splendid.

2- He hit on a splendid idea.

3- In brief, the party was splendid.

4- We had a splendid holiday in Sweden.

5- He made a splendid offthecuff speech.

6- Can you imagine him driving such a splendid car?

7- The kids were absorbed in the splendid fireworks.

8- His nephew was absorbed in the splendid fireworks.

9- His house stands on the hillside and commands a splendid view.

10- The more worthless the plant, the more rapid and splendid is its growth.

11- It'll be fine, you can do it! Trust yourself! You are already a splendid swimmer!The cockerel's splendid red cockscomb is thought to play a part in determining gender and breed.

12- Pablo Casals once said, "The love of one's country is a splendid thing.

13- But why should love stop at the border?"465882 Lots of people suffered while the Left kept their splendid principles.

14- For Caillum however, the most alluring time to visit the splendid area is at night.

15- Her friend Colleen Elrod (also 25, black splendid romper) shook her head in disbelief.

16- "I am not a splendid dancer, but at least I know the rules which have to be observed by others.

17- And its opening-night performances, if you could tear your gaze away from Körbes, were splendid.

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