1- To avoid contracting AIDS, abstain from sex.

2- I am engaged in AIDS research.

3- AIDS is now widespread in the world.

4- He is engaged in the research of AIDS.

5- They are waging a campaign against AIDS.

6- Doctor Hirose is engaged in AIDS research.

7- AIDS makes people vulnerable to many illnesses.

8- HIV is the virus which is believed to cause AIDS.

9- AIDS is often transmitted through unprotected sex.

10- The speed of the spread of AIDS is horrifyingly fast.

11- AIDS is largely preventable if people practice safe sex.

12- The AIDS virus makes people vulnerable to many illnesses.

13- It is not true that mosquitoes can transmit AIDS to people.

14- One way that AIDS is transmitted is through unprotected sex.

15- I hope that some scientist will soon discover a cure for AIDS.

16- Better health education is needed to fight the spread of AIDS.

17- It is necessary to fight AIDS with whatever weapons are at hand.

18- The spread of AIDS is partly due to drug addicts sharing needles.

19- He contracted AIDS after having unprotected sex with another man.

20- He contracted AIDS after having casual sex without using a condom.

21- Nowhere has the impact of HIV/AIDS been more severe than in Africa.

22- He contributes a lot of time and money to helping people with AIDS.

23- Her brother has just tested positive for AIDS, so she is very upset.

24- Without proper sex education, the region is ripe for an AIDS epidemic.

25- Scientists say an AIDS vaccine may be ready within the next few years.

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