1- He explored the Amazon jungle.

2- This bird is peculiar to the Amazon forest.

3- I've ordered a book from Amazon.

4- com.

5- The Amazon River has 1,100 tributary streaMs. The Amazon River meanders through northern Brazil.

6- They took an adventure tour rafting down the Amazon River last year.

7- More than 1,800 species of fish are known to inhabit the Amazon River.

8- More water flows out of the Amazon River than any other river in the world.

9- It took them days to march through the tangled jungle of the Amazon to the camp.

10- Over 65% of the world's fresh water flows out of the Amazon River in South America.

11- In the Amazon, it rains almost every day, and trees and plants grow incredibly fast.

12- They went on a two-week journey up the Amazon River to look at the plant life there.

13- The area which includes the Amazon River has the highest annual rainfall in the world.

14- They visited previously unexplored regions of the Amazon to look for medicinal plants.

15- The Brazil nut is the seed of a giant tree that grows in South America's Amazon jungle.

16- About two-thirds of the world's fresh water flows out of the Amazon River in South America.

17- Many species of plants in the Amazon forest provide medicines which are very helpful to man.

18- Paddling down the Amazon in a rubber raft was an incredibly dangerous and exciting endeavor.

19- The water volume of the Congo River is second in the world only to that of the mighty Amazon.

20- The biggest rainforest in the world is in South America, along the banks of the Amazon River.

21- The Nile is the world's longest river by a large margin over the world's number two longest, the Amazon.

22- Francisco de Orellana's discovery of the Amazon River brought him great rewards upon his return to Spain.

23- The trio is on a tour of university campuses, lecturing on their adventures rafting down the Amazon River.

24- The exotically beautiful jungle of the Amazon is becoming an increasingly popular eco-tourism destination.

25- Brazil's government wants to curb Amazon destruction and the land battles that are harming its image abroad.

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