26- LeGuin once suggested that the preservation of life seems to be rather a slogan than a genuine goal of the anti-abortion forces, what they want is control.

27- Norma McCorvey, the woman whose 1973 U.

28- S.

29- Supreme Court case helped make abortion legal in the United States, has petitioned to overturn that historic decision.

30- Supreme Court Judge Stewart Potter once stated that abortion is inherently different from other medical procedures because no other procedure involves the purposeful termination of a potential life.

31- He's pro-gun and anti-abortion, and comes from a family of sheriffs.

32- If you want less abortion, you want to do harm to Planned Parenthood.

33- Republicans argue that the public is increasingly opposed to abortion.

34- Yes, you heard that right: Pro-lifers are insufficiently anti-abortion.

35- Robbins said an abortion costs roughly $800 to be performed in a clinic.

36- About 47 percent believe abortion should be illegal in all or most cases.

37- They want to talk to people who have had an abortion in the past 10 years.

38- God bless you" when it is an organization that provides abortion services?

39- "You know, there's a lot more ways to deal with a pregnancy then abortion.

40- Many of the attendees are high-profile targets of anti-abortion extremists.

41- Enough letting where a woman lives dictate her access to abortion services.

42- A less extreme abortion debate Try 4 Risk-Free Issues of The Week magazine.

43- He notes that he disagrees with conservatives on abortion and gay marriage.

44- 'This is a fairly typical response from abortion advocates,' Van Maren says.

45- No issue is more important than protecting babies from abortion, said Rubio.

46- Our fundamentalists blow buildings up, they kill people at abortion clinics.

47- abortion of any type has been illegal since the era of Pinochet dictatorship.

48- Checking Fiorina's claims on an anti-abortion video What's for dinner in Iran?

49- Anything but calling it what abortion really is -- the obliteration of a fetus.

50- Reporting of specific abortion information to the state would also be required.

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