51- Uncomfortable issues On both sides, abortion and assisted suicide are key issues.

52- 321778 I don't support gay marriage for the same reason I don't support abortion.

53- Once a safe and available medical service, abortion went immediately underground.

54- "Women must have the ability to access abortion care without facing undue burdens.

55- This evolution would never have taken place in America without legalized abortion.

56- The issue of abortion invokes much depth of emotion and passion; I understand this.

57- Despite the restrictions, at least one private abortion clinic operates in Belfast.

58- To obtain an abortion, women now merely need to discuss their reasons with a doctor.

59- But anti-abortion campaigner Bernadette Smyth expressed disappointment with decision.

60- 104850 Ben, he was pro-abortion not so long ago, as everybody has told me personally."

61- The Colorado Springs center has been the target of protests by anti-abortion activists.

62- Precisely zero goes to abortion services; by law, no federal funds can go to abortions.

63- One in five respondents said they knew a woman who had tried to self-induce an abortion.

64- Anyone willing to repeatedly eat an abortion pill shouldn't be raising children anyways.

65- It's a bill that -- absent the abortion add-on -- enjoys overwhelming bipartisan support.

66- Since the answer to both questions was "no," we never came close to considering abortion.

67- However, the bill got caught up in the emotional and uncompromising politics of abortion.

68- 228454 Follow @CNNpolitics More from Politics Rubio: Outrage over lion, but not abortion?

69- The closely watched case has already united even staunch opponents in the abortion debate.

70- Government shutdown threat The video has provoked outrage among those opposed to abortion.

71- Anti-gay and anti-abortion activist Bill Whatcott says he's left Canada - perhaps for good.

72- His move followed the release of the undercover videos by a California anti-abortion group.

73- 'Pregnancy was a major obstacle and an abortion was the answer to it - so that's what I did.

74- This has led me to conclude that even a woman's right to an abortion is slowly being eroded.

75- Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, along with Ben Carson, headlined an anti-abortion rally in Washington.

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