1- Boost pressure during hard acceleration under ideal conditions is approximately .

2- A third feature is possible acceleration effects.

3- And those acceleration times were pretty decent.

4- Audio and acceleration signals are recorded continuously.

5- The basic relationship between thrust and acceleration is still unchanged.

6- Another type of acceleration is subject matter acceleration.

7- Another type of acceleration is subject matter acceleration .

8- An object whose velocity is increasing has a positive acceleration .

9- What management techniques acceleration biomass and species accumulation?

10- Linear acceleration is less readily sustained and has fewer familiar applications.

11- That torque should produce a constant angular acceleration .

12- The lateral acceleration is created by centrifugal force.

13- The acceleration since then has been astounding.

14- Force is equal to mass times acceleration .

15- This excellent throttle response enables rapid acceleration and precise power settings.

16- Standard acceleration is in metres per second per second.

17- The maximum possible acceleration is about 4 "g".

18- To achieve low orbit requires much more horizontal than vertical acceleration .

19- The acceleration was faster than analysts had been expecting.

20- Revolutionary has more tactical speed and far superior acceleration .

21- High points were acceleration and fuel economy .

22- These general parameters yield excellent acceleration and elasticity values .

23- Another significant portion gets a forward acceleration .

24- It has rapid acceleration and vibrant performance.

25- I call this technique "compensatory acceleration .

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