26- How did German artists and intellectuals react to these accusations?

27- accusations of currency manipulation, he says, would quickly follow.

28- Cosby's lawyer made no immediate response to the latest accusations.

29- But based on his feats in the ring, the accusation is curious anyway.

30- There are no facts to support the accusations made in this complaint.

31- Valeant called Citron's accusations 'erroneous' and denied the report.

32- In a more recent case, he faced accusations that he spied on opponents.

33- 336164 'I have nothing to say,' he said at the time of the accusations.

34- 511767 None of these accusations and claims amount to much on their own.

35- Another Pakistani woman nodded as though this was a familiar accusation."

36- In the lawsuit, a number of false accusations were made against LinkedIn.

37- But you're making these accusations and I don't -- I don't see any proof."

38- 640683 Sounds like this accusation is being made for all the right reasons.

39- Iran denies the accusation, but does champion the Shi'ite majority's cause.

40- I do not fight these accusations by others but rather turn the other cheek.

41- There were accusations that were silly and heavy at the same time," he said.

42- Maduro's accusations spurred a sharp response from the U.S. State Department.

43- Thomas added that he was "shocked and angry" upon learning of the accusations.

44- 'I believe the parents have made inaccurate judgments and baseless accusations.

45- Its most common accusation was maintaining outlawed Jewish practices in secret.

46- Saudi Arabia has not responded to the Iranian accusations regarding the convoy.

47- Some critics said it even aided the militants, an accusation that Ankara denies.

48- The Russian authorities have not yet commented on the accusations in the report.

49- He has denied some accusations, while declining to comment or respond to others.

50- Poroshenko's government has drawn accusations of corruption and poor leadership.

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