26- The police accused him of murder.

27- She was accused of telling a lie.

28- He was accused of stealing money.

29- He is accused of kidnapping.

30- EldadThe accused was found not guilty.

31- He turned angrily on his accusers.

32- They accused him of telling a lie.

33- The accused was sentenced to death.

34- She accused me of making a mistake.

35- They accused me of taking the money.

36- She accused him of stealing her car.

37- He accused her of having lied to him.

38- The accused maintained his innocence.

39- They accused her of taking the money.

40- She accused me of stealing her money.

41- She accused him of stealing her money.

42- He was accused of stealing the jewels.

43- The accused was absolved from the crime.

44- She accused her son of wasting his life.

45- They accused him of stealing the bicycle.

46- Don't accuse others for your own failure.

47- He accused me of having stolen his watch.

48- The accused tried to justify his actions.

49- He was accused of having violated the law.

50- She accused him of having broken his word.

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