26- The explosion of acetylene and nitrogen.

27- Thomas Willson innovated techniques for the production of acetylene .

28- The resulting acetylene gas is ignited with a stick, producing a loud bang.

29- acetylene cylinders kept in the workshops made conditions particularly dangerous, a spokeswoman said.

30- There is evidence that acetylene and hydrogen are recycled into methane near the surface.

31- These anions are also associated with methane and acetylene , both very weak acids.

32- North Petherton becomes the first town in England to install acetylene lighting.

33- Gilbert's reagent was then used to homologate it to an acetylene .

34- The light is produced by burning acetylene gas and has a range of 32 km.

35- It was originally an acetylene light but was converted to propane gas operation in 1963.

36- Acetaldehyde is produced by the hydration of acetylene , catalyzed by mercury salts.

37- acetylene was also used from about 1898 for gas lighting on a smaller scale.

38- The "bangs" are produced by igniting gas ( acetylene or propane).

39- Oxygen is used in oxyacetylene welding burning acetylene with to produce a very hot flame.

40- In addition, activated acetylenes can be added to electrophiles following a Michael addition.

41- Acetylene is not just flammable, in certain conditions it is also an explosive.

42- Acetylene is also the only other common industrial gas that sublimes at atmospheric pressure.

43- acetylene lamps were popular because the flame was resistant to wind and rain.

44- He is an expert in oxy-acetylene cutting torches and uses a modified one as a weapon.

45- On a small scale Oxy-acetylene torches are used. on an industrial scale lasers are used.

46- Burning oxygen and acetylene gas at about ( ), the torch could easily cut through steel.

47- ;S.A.B.B acetylene Gas Blades :Combines highly compressed oxygen and acetylene gas with assistive combustion.

48- The cause of the fire is believed to be related to an acetylene torch which ignited at the nearby construction site.

49- In the darkness, the machine gun spat a vindictive white light like an acetylene torch.

50- In a nearby bush a defunct oxyacetylene cutter attracted the attention of a passing stoat.

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