51- Healthy vaginal pH is typically quite acidic (pH 4).

52- Most earthworms favor neutral to slightly acidic soil.

53- The electrolyte is an acidic solution of copper sulphate.

54- Their blood is acidic and will etch steel if not cleaned off.

55- Generally, there are few or no ?-acidic ligands in the complex.

56- They are far less acidic than hydrogens alpha to ketones, however.

57- They are, together, quite acidic and if prolonged may lead to acidosis.

58- It appears to be intolerant only of extremetly infertile and acidic soils.

59- It prefers acidic conditions but sometimes grows in more alkaline habitats.

60- This acidic strength means that even at low pH the acid is fully dissociated.

61- Farming failed, however, as the lowlands were too cold and acidic for farming.

62- The majority of the soil is highly acidic and many areas are covered by forests.

63- Neutralization with a base weaker than the acid results in a weakly acidic salt.

64- Awakened Glynn from her drugged state during an accident with acidic candle wax.

65- Chlorosulfuric acid Chlorosulfuric acid (CSA) is a heavy, strongly acidic liquid.

66- Above this level climate and ecology become increasingly boreal with acidic soils.

67- As the moisture becomes less acidic, typical land plants move and the bog disappears.

68- An incredibly acidic stomach allowed them to devour even the most rancid rotting meat.

69- Fresh henna leaves will stain the skin if they are smashed with a mildly acidic liquid.

70- The slightly acidic pH of the sandy Roero soils tend to be produce early maturing wines.

71- Chemicals or substances having the property of an acid are said to be acidic (adjective).

72- Approximately a third of all tropical soils are too acidic to support traditional food crops.

73- 654057 It is critically important to exclude sulphur and any acidic components from these mixtures.

74- They withstand chemical erosion that occurs in other materials subjected to acidic or caustic environment.

75- The pitcher fluid is notably acidic like that of N. gracilis, with pH values as low as 1.82 being recorded.

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