51- Victims themselves need the language to name what they are experiencing and acknowledge it as something the law says we, as a society, do not condone.

52- 'The Cavendish variety has been very successful in fighting against this disease we must acknowledge, but this is a biological cycle,' Dusunceli said.

53- The company does have a support program in place, including a dedicated phone line support team, and the article has been corrected to acknowledge it.

54- 'I acknowledge and own up fully to my role and responsibility.

55- Cheater was the first Martin forced to acknowledge his powers.

56- Sawyer and Kate acknowledge this and Richard takes Ben to the temple.

57- Carmen loves Dr. Casares, though she is unwilling to acknowledge this.

58- They acknowledge that full reform of their churches may not be achieved.

59- She runs to her adoptive father as Peter and Matt acknowledge each other.

60- He is often frustrated when people fail to acknowledge his over-inflated ego.

61- Great Love, I know thee now (The Cold Genius acknowledge's love's power) *23.

62- acknowledge receipt of this message at once and flash back your latest moves.

63- He did attempt to visit her in Los Angeles, but she refused to acknowledge him.

64- They believed that people are not ready to acknowledge the existence of Sukyura.

65- However, his son only sees Gui Tianlan as a father and refuses to acknowledge him.

66- The King was forced to acknowledge the Pope as his feudal lord and accept Langton.

67- Much later Cliff in his autobiography would acknowledge the debt he felt to Haston.

68- Some Baptist churches in Australia and other countries acknowledge the position of elder.

69- Jack Frost and the Snowpersons are saddened, but acknowledge it's time for them to leave.

70- Letter of Intent to Petition 06/07/1977; Declined to acknowledge 05/08/2002 (66 FR 49966).

71- When we acknowledge the unity of Creation we heal and awaken our inner elemental wholeness.

72- To encourage devotion to St. Jude, it is common to acknowledge in writing favours received.

73- Letter of Intent to Petition 09/12/1985; Declined to acknowledge on 9/21/2006 (71 FR 57995).

74- He then instructs her to "look at his face" and acknowledge that "no part of it is bovvered".

75- This allows mobiles to acknowledge a packet before all of its sub-sections have been transmitted.

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