76- The drug chic controversy, though, has brought forth an odd mixture of indignation and acknowledgment from the fashion industry.

77- He was awarded a gold cup in acknowledgment of his creative achievements for the development of the company.

78- This public acknowledgment of Ted's disability pained my mother.

79- This kind Parol contract Work relations cannot Obtains the acknowledgment.

80- This public acknowledgment of Ted's disability pained my mother.

81- The President's resignation appears to be an acknowledgment that he has lost all hope of keeping the country together.

82- The connector application can use the transaction status queue to send acknowledgment messages back to the sending application.

83- The President's resignation appears to be an acknowledgment that he has lost all hope of keeping the country together.

84- Ceremonial acknowledgment by a vassal of allegiance to his lord under feudal law.

85- It was true , acknowledgment in most cases of affronts was counted reparation sufficient.

86- TCP allows for multiple packets to be sent without an acknowledgment from the remote side, up to 64 kilobytes (KB) by default, which can be filled when talking to higher latency peers.

87- Ceremonial acknowledgment by a vassal of allegiance to his lord under feudal law.

88- I made a note of each story, because an itemized acknowledgment would please Aunt Mary.

89- Lilly winced, and Mandon gravely bowed his head in acknowledgment.

90- Such an acknowledgment would tend to lead to either of two equally unpalatable conclusions.

91- Their decision to hang it on a beam in the barn was an acknowledgment of how little it belonged.

92- We sent her a copy of the book in acknowledgment of her part in its creation.

93- Zaborski touched the corner of his black felt hat in automatic acknowledgment of the salute although his thoughts were elsewhere.

94- And it is both a warning to the public and an acknowledgment of the long climb out of recession which still lies ahead.

95- " Just so, " went on Mr. Withers, accepting her acknowledgment of familiarity.

96- It was true , acknowledgment in most cases of affronts was counted reparation sufficient.

97- I have received neither an acknowledgment nor a reply.

98- Return of acknowledgment of service form by the defendant 3.

99- Perhaps the ending is meant as a sad acknowledgment that people often destroy their own brightest hopes.

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