51- There he became acquainted with Kattaya Thevan a refugee like himself.

52- Man contemplates many things and in doing so he becomes acquainted with himself.

53- Tretyakov selected the best teachers, got acquainted with the methods of studying.

54- Shishkin became acquainted with Feodor and started to teach him landscape painting.

55- acquainted with Harwell, and her family home is close to the Harwells' country cottage.

56- Fowler had become acquainted with the Pease family when he was working at Middlesbrough.

57- Origen also was acquainted with some form of the legend Selecta in Genesin, ad Gen. xli.

58- This immediate awareness is known as 'sensing' or 'being acquainted with' the sense datum.

59- 1841: Dumas lives in Florence and is acquainted with the King Jérôme and his son, Napoléon.

60- This was not as unusual as it seems to people acquainted with modern hereditary monarchies.

61- As the reader acquainted with Maldivian writing can see, this book is Volume 1 (evvana bai).

62- Later, in 1970, he became acquainted with the famous American architect, writer and inventor.

63- Presidential residents George Washington Washington was intimately acquainted with the house.

64- Viewers also became acquainted with the characters' horses, Cisco's Diablo and Pancho's Loco.

65- He and Faith made side-trips to Paris, France and became acquainted with painters working there.

66- He becomes acquainted with Theresa, a beautiful Orientalized woman who "had the Asiatic eye" (l.

67- At the end of Blart's shift, he becomes acquainted with Amy and gives her a ride back to her car.

68- Geraldine, being acquainted with all that is passing, like the weird sisters in Macbeth, vanishes.

69- Through Gill, Cohl had become acquainted with an artistic circle calling themselves the Hydropathes.

70- Cage, p. 127. Sarabhai agreed and through her Cage became acquainted with Indian music and philosophy.

71- Every critic sufficiently acquainted with his lyrical compositions has rendered justice to their merit.

72- You ought to be a great reader and become acquainted with the literature of many countries and cultures.

73- Ranald, 18th of Clanranald was educated in France where he became acquainted with Charles Edward Stuart.

74- And once acquainted with shopping there, they might return on other days too, thus reversing the situation.

75- His next move was to go to Boston, where he became acquainted with J. Haskins, of the Roxbury Rubber Company.

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