1- By giving we destroy those acquisitive impulses that ultimately lead to further suffering.

2- The acquisitiveness of Eastern Canada shows little sign of abatement .

3- He is acquisitive of knowledge.

4- An acquisitive strategy is of course not appropriate for every business.

5- One glance and I was in an acquisitive frenzy.

6- Yes, for she has money and an acquisitive nature.

7- It is human nature to be acquisitive and profligate.

8- By giving one destroys those acquisitive impulses that ultimately lead to further suffering.

9- It can only tolerate irregular, unsystematic, acquisitive acts.

10- acquisitive prelates occasionally held multiple major benefices.

11- Since his release , Radler has gradually become an acquisitive newspaper publisher again.

12- Are we at risk from acquisitive predators, and who are they?

13- He had never previously thought of himself as acquisitive or even as particularly materialistic.

14- Despite weaknesses and shortcomings , however, the fight against acquisitive crime continues apace.

15- The Mikin culture is anarchic, acquisitive , cosmopolitan, and wildly diverse.

16- In practice, the majority of probation orders are made for acquisitive or summary offences.

17- I am schooled and trained in acquisitive skills, in getting my own way.

18- His acquisitive gaze may extend to territory that belongs to others, even to nature.

19- Business risk is influenced by the nature of investments - whether they are organic or acquisitive .

20- Management was adamant that opportunities for both organic and acquisitive growth were plentiful in the UK .

21- The most outstanding work as judged by the selection panel is awarded an acquisitive cash prize .

22- It makes a distinction between tourism and travel and stresses inquisitive , not acquisitive , trips.

23- Active crowds can be further divided into aggressive, escapist, acquisitive , or expressive mobs.

24- acquisitive crimes to pay for the chemicals are inevitable if the survivor is unable to find employment.

25- Kriya takes away the instinct of possessiveness, liberating us from our accumulative and acquisitive urges.

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