26- Greed comes to manifestation in thoughts of desire -- as sensual, acquisitive , and possessive thoughts.

27- Paul Wallraf had a wonderful eye, widely ranging tastes and the acquisitive instinct of a magpie.

28- For example, Louisiana has a legal doctrine called acquisitive prescription, which is derived from French law.

29- Maslow 's theory is unable to explain such acquisitive behaviour (never mind their allegedly questionable business practices).

30- Impressive though they are, Hanson and BTR are too acquisitive to be comfortable models for ordinary industrialists.

31- This contributed to a huge change in the traditions, the sociolinguistic map, urbanisation and acquisitive power.

32- She was the kind of acquisitive neurotic who would hoard a medieval cross or a Papuan shrunken head.

33- Acquisition of a servitude may also occur, in terms of the Prescription Act, by acquisitive prescription.

34- Avoid such acquisitive companies .

35- If you were persistently selfish, acquisitive , and careless of the general good you gradually became too unpopular.

36- But , i thought, the objective is not to prevent acquisitive crime, rather to remove the addiction.

37- They could be considered an acquisitive society, often accused of thinking of nothing but how to earn money.

38- acquisitive , capital-intensive and cyclical businesses like BlueScope tend to have the 'wrong' type of assets.

39- Shakespeare had a petty " acquisitive disposition", he said, while the plays made heroes of free-spending figures.

40- The other was excessively acquisitive , grabbing disproportionately, possessively aware of all things unknown, all things not Hilda.

41- For the last decade , Amazon has been unusually acquisitive in putting together all the pieces of a digital publishing ecosystem.

42- Closing date Friday 26 April 2013 The Geelong Gallery invites artists to submit entries for the 2013 Geelong acquisitive print awards.

43- Old, or unearned, money tends to be neither acquisitive nor outward-going, whereas new money tends to be both.

44- The grasping acquisitiveness of an affluent society were a further shock.

45- acquisitiveness was served by marriages, alliances and sheer brute force.

46- The acquisitiveness of Eastern Canada shows little sign of abatement.

47- The competition has become acute, largely owing to American and German acquisitiveness .

48- These reforms were promoted to encourage materialism and acquisitiveness in order to stimulate economic growth.

49- There are three basic urges in first edition collecting - romanticism, acquisitiveness and snobbery.

50- Sharing with the water signs the characteristics of retentiveness, self-protectiveness, and acquisitiveness .

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