51- In their view Locke and Hobbes describe an atomistic man largely driven by a hedonistic materialistic acquisitiveness .

52- If we walk round the towns and villages we will not find the acquisitiveness and competitiveness of modernity.

53- acquisitiveness and greed in the Senate were to be severely punished, apparently, by Cicero's laws.

54- Scholars have tried to make a case for acquisitiveness, competitiveness, and selfishness as innate human trait.

55- But other desires kept them active: four in particular, which we can label acquisitiveness, rivalry, vanity, and love of power.

56- We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive.

57- His villa is filled with evidence of his acquisitiveness.

58- In acquisitiveness and greed there was little to choose between the victors and the vanquished in the political struggles of the 1320s.

59- He had never previously thought of himself as acquisitive or even as particularly materialistic.

60- Our perceptive faculties grow quiet, unprejudiced, and unacquisitive.

61- In an acquisitive society the form that selfishness predominantly takes is monetary greed.

62- We rejected the acquisitiveness of our parents' generation.

63- Old, or unearned, money tends to be neither acquisitive nor outward-going, whereas new money tends to be both.

64- Do I think that this affluence and everything that it buys are undiluted blessings - that there has been no loss in this gallop into acquisitiveness?

65- As a result, the complexity of acquisitiveness is confirmed and calls for further investigation.

66- Philosopher says: "To acquisitiveness heart although it can not be sustained Hi."

67- The driving force of a flourishing society is individual acquisitiveness which creates demands that boost trade and increase the general wealth.

68- And from this thought pier place than it is if acquisitiveness were always stronger than rivalry.

69- The house of his father contained all the acquisitiveness and greed that promised the paroxysm of class war.

70- In contrast with this natural acquisitiveness of the new arrivals, the American attitude toward money is quite different.

71- Though the Indian labor pool is large, it is also primarily unskilled.30. We live in an acquisitive society which views success primarily in terms of material possessions.

72- In contrast with this natural acquisitiveness of the new arrivals, the American attitude toward money is quite different.

73- Siemens with sand in the cohabitation, babe gradually dissatisfaction acquisitiveness, start sand girl recalls the boa.

74- But what if people became convinced that acquisitiveness, rather than adding to their happiness, was standing in its way?

75- Like many acquisitive conglomerates, it experienced a rapid ascent and sharp fall.

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