26- Nokia's Here brand emerged out of its acquisition of Navteq for $8.1bn in 2008.

27- When there's nothing cheap you have to have something to justify an acquisition.

28- It follows the multinational's acquisition of brand Tequila Don Julio last week.

29- Sanders said a recent city report pegged land acquisition costs at $7.8 million.

30- Chinese investment in America largely has been tied to mergers and acquisitions.

31- The acquisition is projected to complete in three to six months' time, it added.

32- That brought the price down to just under $70 by the time the acquisition closed.

33- New York announced the acquisition of Adam Friday afternoon through social media.

34- The acquisition of Diedrich gives Peet's access to another, growing niche market.

35- We congratulate The Winebow Group on the acquisition of our company, said Bausch.

36- Meanwhile, SAP's acquisition of Sybase in 2010 made it a key supplier to the NSA.

37- The acquisition reflects the reversal of fortunes for these two big box retailers.

38- Pfizer has said it expects to complete the acquisition before the end of this year.

39- For example, among today's key customer acquisition concerns is speed to activation.

40- In turn generating both quality and quantity customer acquisitions for their clients.

41- This often leads to increased customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty.

42- Nadella inherited this headache, now he is trying to make the best of a bad acquisition.

43- Since going private, Blue Coat has increased its scale through a number of acquisitions.

44- Earlier this week, HTC quashed speculation surrounding its potential acquisition by Asus.

45- Media moguls John Malone and Barry Diller haven't been afraid to grow through acquisition.

46- The latter's growth was attributed to existing and new contracts, as well as acquisitions.

47- That he will not be asked about the sources of his capital and methods of its acquisition.

48- An acquisition would give either buyer the opportunity to expand their presence in Germany.

49- "This acquisition is aimed at enabling Verizon to maximize its revenues from mobile video.'

50- Elemental is one of its largest acquisitions to date, if the $500 million price tag is true.

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