51- The acquittal was based on this expert opinion.

52- The case ended in acquittal in 1990.

53- The result of this second proceeding was again acquittal .

54- Jury acquittal after 8 days of trial.

55- An appellate court must reach unanimous agreement to overturn an acquittal .

56- His full acquittal was proclaimed on 5 December.

57- The defendant's acquittal is not affected.

58- The acquittal , however, was upheld.

59- However, conflicting opinions of several doctors gained their acquittal .

60- Even a single strand of reasonable doubt requires an acquittal .

61- Was the acquittal for the same offence?

62- The jury took only three hours to reach an acquittal .

63- The jury brought in a verdict of acquittal .

64- The court also overturned the acquittal of 21 accused.

65- His failure to secure her acquittal had affected him deeply.

66- Once again, an appeal court had overturned a jury acquittal .

67- This was his third jury acquittal in Quebec.

68- Two of the seven judges voted for acquittal .

69- A jury acquittal may not be overruled after appeal.

70- Authorities said they would appeal against his acquittal .

71- That acquittal involves the virtual condemnation of all others.

72- The trial concluded with McMahon's acquittal .

73- His success rate of acquittals is 100 percent .

74- Corporate condemnation through Adam is cancelled by corporate acquittal through Christ.

75- An acquittal , they thought, was inevitable.

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