76- Donna Wilkie and her husband Ken posted an ad on Kijiji looking for a kidney in 2013.

77- He said he applied for the program in September after seeing an ad for it on Facebook.

78- Do women apologize more than men? 01:37 Francisco said the power of the ad is twofold.

79- ad Choices Outlook.com Carlo Angerer is a multimedia reporter based in Mainz, Germany.

80- This ad is a lot of fun and shows once again that VW doesn't take itself too seriously.

81- In addition to lost revenue, ad-blocking skews the demographics of the online audience.

82- View photo UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein in a file photo.

83- The party is accused of illegally using Eminem's song "Lose Yourself" in a campaign ad.

84- Fox sold out all the ad time For last year's game almost two months before its telecast.

85- At its height during the Han Dynasty (202 - 220 ad), dog meat was considered a delicacy.

86- The actual Super Bowl ad shows the models dressed in Victoria's Secret lingerie, though.

87- However, some ad outfits (including Google) and website owners aren't likely to be happy.

88- At the time of the ad's airing, the Campaign Legal Center filed a complaint with the FEC.

89- That would be a great incentive for people on the ad-supported tier to pony up some cash.

90- He said that just putting a hashtag for one second at the end of an ad is not sufficient.

91- Samsung has done a fine job of making that come to life in an ad it released on Saturday.

92- RUBIO: He's out with a new ad, airing on national cable and focusing on the Paris attacks.

93- Coca Cola has a 60-second ad rebuking Internet "haters" that won't be seen until the game.

94- This image provided by the American Egg Board shows a print ad featuring actor Kevin Bacon.

95- I've visited an ad plant and watched supermarket food "waste" being fed into the digesters.

96- Some called the ad everything from grim to depressing to a loser for the insurance company.

97- CBSN's Vladimir Duthiers and CNET senior editor Jeff Bakalar discuss the wacky campaign ad.

98- Leader Tom Mulcair and his New Democrats are nowhere to be found in either Conservative ad.

99- Run one ad that is completely discredited by the do-gooder groups you claim to have helped.

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