1- These adornments are kept in bamboo cases.

2- adornment with jewels and precious stones was similarly regulated.

3- No additional charge was made for these adornments .

4- adornment consists of complex arrangements of simple forms.

5- They use particular adornments in particular occasions.

6- The only adornment they are allowed is a simple gray watch.

7- They are renowned for their elaborate upper body adornment and jewellery.

8- Consider the coloration colours, creations plus adornments into mind.

9- Many of its statues were characterized by rich body adornments .

10- adornments were frequently found on the clothes of important persons.

11- You are the beautiful adornment of the human race.

12- There were plain or decorated and used for adornment .

13- The purpose was to show the medal as adornment .

14- All of her adornments have rigorous angular shapes .

15- Mute colors and minimal adornment are usually common.

16- We are to be neat and trim, though without adornment .

17- These moments are the finest adornments of an artist's life.

18- Restrictions on clothing are matched with other limitations on personal adornment .

19- He concentrated on trading for furs used as trimming and adornment .

20- This means that during this work the adornment is apparent.

21- It is also worn as an adornment and status symbol.

22- Artists create jewellery for adornment , ceremonies, and trade.

23- Many now believe this intellectual adornment to actually be beautiful.

24- To me, it looks best without any adornments .

25- Ear piercing and lobe stretching are also traditional forms of body adornment .

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