1- She adorned herself with jewels.

2- They adorned the room with flowers.

3- She adorned her dress with flowers.

4- I like to adorn my room with flowers.

5- Theodor adorno once suggested that intolerance of ambiguity is the mark of an authoritarian personality.

6- Elizabeth Borton De Trevino once said that art should be Truth, and Truth unadorned, unsentimentalized, is Beauty.

7- The family's apartment is modest but adorned with handmade decorations.

8- These artists' pieces will adorn Dennis' office wall for the month of June.

9- They might adorn the cabin with bangles -- things that remind them of their wives.

10- Even official workplaces are sometimes adorned with senior bureaucrats' characters.

11- His bedroom is adorned with a bookshelf of vintage cameras and a "(400) Blows" poster.

12- A Volkswagen company logo adorns the VW factory in Wolfsburg, Germany December 8, 2015.

13- Fancy hats at the Kentucky Derby 10 photos Ginny Keen adorned her hat with festive pins.

14- The AP also reported that on Saturday, Dear's cabin was adorned with a cross made of twigs.

15- The Stars and Stripes in Cuba 12 photos American flags adorn a pedicab in Havana in January.

16- The phrase has been in use for 60 years and has long adorned the town's highway welcome sign.

17- Splits in the side of an asymmetrical little black dress was adorned with sexy belt fastenings.

18- The school outside Caracas is adorned with shaggy palm trees and busts of revolutionary figures.

19- The setting: Hawaiian pictures and artwork adorn the walls, and music from paradise fills the air.

20- adorned in these, we can brave the coldest economic winters and fight the nastiest financial droughts.

21- She is adorned with fine gold jewelry.

22- The sleeves were adorned with gold buttons.

23- Pottery used for more formal purposes was often more richly adorned .

24- The sprawling complex was adorned with brightly colored frescoes.

25- Some men wore dresses while women came adorned in business suits .

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